Seizing Property
Seizing Property

Newport Beach City Council to Vote on Waiving Business Taxes, But Also Stripping Property Rights

Today at 6pm, there are two items on the agenda for Newport Beach City Council:
– Agenda Item #8 is proposed to diminish private property rights, sponsored by Councilpeople Diane Dixon and Joy Brenner.

– Agenda Item #19 is proposed to waive business license taxes this year, sponsored by Councilperson Will O’Neill and Mayor Brad Avery.

Business license taxes are simply a way that the city forces new and old businesses to pay tributes to the government annually, so that the government will give them permission to employ people in Newport Beach.

After a year of brutal government shutdowns and a painful global pandemic, our businesses need all the help they can get– and one must ask the obvious question: why does the government think it needs to have a role in telling people who can and cannot do business or employ in a free country, anyway?

By setting up forced payment schemes for simply conducting business in the city, we are only raising the barrier to entry for employment and for people to start their own businesses right here in Newport Beach– regardless of how small or large that monetary amount may be.  It simply adds to the long list of regulations, taxation, and general irritation caused by local government.

The agenda item to waive the business license tax is #19 on the City Council Agenda, located here.

If you support the free market, then simply write to and tell them that you give your support for Agenda Item #19.

On the opposite end of the voting spectrum, the city is also set to vote on Agenda Item #8, which re-establishes the previously-abolished Short Term Lodging Ad Hoc Committee.  This committee is generally designed to recommend decisions to strip property owners of various rights to rent their property.   This agenda item is being sponsored by Councilpeople Joy Brenner and Diane Dixon.  Yes: The city thinks it is their place to tell people what they can and cannot do with the property that they own, and they are trying to legislate themselves into a position to do it under the guise of being official government business.

If you support property rights– or if you oppose them– you can email to have your voice heard on Agenda Item #8.



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at