Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at michael.glenn@devion.com

May We Remember 9/11

It’s been 18 years since that fateful day– the day where everything changed, at 8:46am and 9:03am. A third plane then collided with the Pentagon at 9:37am, while a fourth plane later crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03am after passengers fought with the hijackers on the flight. But instead of focusing on the tragedy at hand, I’d like to take a …

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Yes, that was a 3.9 Earthquake

Did you feel it? At 1:21:49pm today, an earthquake which immediately registered as a 3.9 sent its waves through Newport Beach. The quake was centered at 33.598°N 117.260°W, about 36 miles due East from Newport, near Temecula. You can find more updated information, here: http://scedc.caltech.edu/recent/Maps/Los_Angeles.html and here: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci38824959/executive For more information about how to be prepared, check out our award-winning Civilian Emergency Response Team, CERT. Remember, …

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Garry Brown: The Newest-Revealed Dixon Crony

In our exhaustive coverage of the crony-arranged Dog Beach meeting happening on Sept 11th– yes, seriously, they chose that date– we detailed two of the three speakers as being seriously high-paid government employees under Mayor Dixon, therefore carrying the water for her.  But we missed one of them: Garry Brown.  No, not the former governor of California Jerry Brown, but …

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Cronyism and Fake News in Newport Beach

As we continue our expose on crooked government, it is my great pleasure to bring you this, our second installment of Exposing the Cronies: Given the reporting on our last article, I found it pretty ironic that shortly after we exposed cronyism at Speak Up Newport (http://savenewport.com/2019/08/28/speak-up-newport-puts-heavy-cronyism-on-display/), a new speaking event was sent to me by several readers.  They all told …

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“Secret Summer” is Here!

Well, we all know that the peninsula’s “Summer” seems to end every year on Labor Day, but to everyone else in the US, Sept 23rd is actually the official last day of summertime.  But if you survived the parking, the traffic, and the tourists jamming up your favorite establishments, those days are over this year (at least until the Boat …

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King Tides TONIGHT (Watch for Flooding)

Photo of a King Tide by Matthew Zamiska

King Tides are coming tonight to Newport Beach, bringing some of the highest tides of the entire year. Tonight, some of our largest tides will come, measuring over 6feet, 8 inches.  While less than our historical highs, this could breach some areas of our seawall, causing flooding, or send docks floating off of their pilings. If you have an older dock …

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“Speak Up Newport” Puts Heavy Cronyism On Display

Speak Up Newport bills itself as a “Community Forum” in Newport Beach, but the reality is a lot more dirty than that, as you are about to find out.  To prelude: This is not a selfish article about disappointment for not being able to speak (although I am sure it will be framed that way by the ones I am …

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It’s National Dog Day Today!

California Flag with Dog, credit unknown

Today is National Dog Day! My first dog was a stray poodle we adopted called “Licker” because when we found him he was so grateful, he kept licking everyone for the next several months. My second dog was a stray black lab that we named “Baby”, because she was so young when we first saw her (she was running with …

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DUI Saturation Patrols, TONIGHT

Friday, between 8pm and 2am, there will be DUI Saturation Patrols throughout the city, and concentrated in areas with high frequencies of DUI collisions and/or arrests. The cost of a ride home is cheap. Drivers caught driving impaired can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspensions and other expenses that …

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Curl Fitness to Re-Open under New Ownership

An eagle-eyed local, SaveNewporter Gene Robertson, saw a sign on the Curl Fitness doors about a reopening under new ownership.  Immediately, I contacted the former owner, Jill (not the ones who recently had the suspicious shutdown on July 9th), and asked her if she might be coming back in to run the place. She said she wasn’t– but she *is* …

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