Orange County Reopens with Common-Sense Rules

Yesterday, the OC Board of Supervisors voted to #ReopenOC.  You can read the guidelines for reopening, here: — as you can see, this isn’t micro-managing businesses or trying to put a one-size-fits-all approach to them.  Each business will need to determine best practices.

Also yesterday– just an hour later– Newport Beach quickly voted to adopt the same policies, with resolution 2020-41 “The City hereby declares that it supports the efforts of the County Board of Supervisors to re-open commercial business”.

Laguna Beach is mobilizing to do the same, and the rest of the county will presumably fall in place in short order.

All cities are legally able to reopen all businesses now, but may face local resistance on their own individual councils.

A barbershop in Westminster was told by local authorities that he is NOT free to reopen, despite the ruling from the Board of Supervisors.  While this may vary by city, many businesses are taking the “beg for forgiveness don’t ask for permission” approach, and finding that our oath-takers are not enforcing measures that run counter to the Constitution itself.

We are pleased with the 5-0 vote from the County Board of Supervisors, we are pleased with everyone who came out to participate in the demonstrations locally, keeping the pressure on the County BOS, and we cannot thank our small business owners for publicly coming together and vowing to reopen– and stay open– on May 1 no matter what the consequences.  They all made government work faster to beat that date, and together, we reopened our county for business.

This is a very real virus and a particularly deadly flu, so while we are reopening, stay safe, and stay active, together.

Thank you to everyone.  The economic nightmare has begun to end, and now we just need to deal with the reality of lifestyle changes to minimize the damages from a deadly flu… And we can all do this part, together.



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at