Orange County is Officially Reopened

Today, Orange County board of supervisors officially reopened Orange County.

Our push to reopen Orange County on May 1st was big enough toforced the government’s hand and we appreciate the cooperation of officials on every level.

This is not a free-for-all, and the virus is still out there. We need to take precautions to make sure that we do not infect those unnecessarily.

Businesses will be reopening responsibly starting tomorrow morning.

If you do not feel comfortable with a precautions that a business is taking, do not go into that business.  As always, businesses will vary in their services and in their precautions.  Everybody will need to make health decisions for themselves and their individual circumstances.

As hot weather approaches, the virus will limit its spread.

Please sign our petition here ( to reopen Orange County so when the second wave of government comes we have a method of contacting everybody directly.

Thank you for your support, and welcome to a newly reopened Orange County.

We will be presenting another article later this week with the official regulations which will guide us moving forward.

Thank you for your support, and welcome to a newly reopened Orange County.




About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at