A dog named "Trouble" runs in the water at Dog Beach

Save Dog Beach Hats are BACK IN STOCK!

When we initially ordered the Save Dog Beach hats, to help promote the preservation of Dog Beach, we only ordered 100 of them, all flat-brimmed (no curved brims). We figured we could probably beg our friends into donating enough to recoup cost and spread awareness, and eat the rest.

Boy, was that under-shooting!  I had no clue how popular they would be.  They were completely gone in just 36 hours, and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds went on back-order, including hundreds of the much-requested curved-brim hats.

As SaveNewport member Jon Pedersen moved mountains to fulfill the order in a ridiculously short timeframe, the new hats were just delivered this morning!  Here’s a photo of the warehouse:

Hat Gallery

If you’ve ordered your hat and have not received it, I will be dropping them off this weekend and if I miss you, I’ll have them on-hand for the meeting at City Council at 6pm on March 1!

See you soon!



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at michael.glenn@devion.com