Newport Beach City Hall and Bunnies, photo by Mike Glenn
Newport Beach City Hall and Bunnies, photo by Mike Glenn

City Council Meeting Tonight

Tonight’s city council meeting is going to include an item which will reduce transparency in government and erode the ability of the public to effectively participate in council sessions.  The most questionable item on todays agenda is called– ironically– “Open Meeting Policies”.  However, what it states ( is that the mayor will have the ability to shuffle items on the agenda, and also reduce the requirement of three meetings for discussion down to two.

This city has had a history of attempting to sneak things in under the publics nose, and this will only make it easier to do so.  I will be speaking in opposition to this adoption.

You can find the full agenda, here:

The city also wants to increase funding for grease, oil, and fat disposal methods by $124,000 per year– but they don’t specify WHY:

Finally, the city will be implementing water restrictions, including twice-per-week watering on designated days only.  The intent is to reduce the city’s water consumption by 28% from the city’s 2013 usage (for residential users, 25%, and government/businesses will pick up the slack).  Here is that item:

If you’d like to speak at the council meeting, the location is 100 Civic Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA and the meeting will begin at 7pm today.  You can also live-stream the council session by clicking here.

EDIT: Sadly, I appear to have a sudden onset of food poisoning and will not be attending this meeting.



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at