Sol Grill is Moving!

For those of you who have had the luxury of dining on the worlds finest meatballs, you will be interested to know that Sol Grill is moving. The current location next to the Newport Pier in McFadden Square will be closing the last day of next month, September 30th, and they will be reopening at 2400 West Coast Highway, on PCH a few doors up from On The Rocks, which recently replaced the Baja Beach Cafe (the pink building).

The new location will be opening just a month later, on November 1st, and will maintain the same menu as the original location, but this time, in a much more accessible spot to the general public without them fighting the peninsula traffic, but still just a short trip away away for the regulars who reside on Balboa Peninsula.

So if you want to get the original experience, you’ve got a little over a month left! So swing by any day after 5pm and say goodbye to the old location– and mark your calendars after Halloween– the new one is just around the corner!



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at