Big Waves Flood Sections of Balboa Peninsula

This morning at about 11:30am, high tides rushed across the beach from at least Medina to at least B Street, swamping the streets and homes.  Normally before high tides, the city hires contractors to create sand berms to keep the larger sets held back from residences.  It is unclear whether or not those were reduced, not implemented, or overpowered.

UPDATE @12:54pm: Apparently the city did not build the sand berms until today, but did not get them built quickly or high enough.  The same thing happens every few years, with the last one occurring in 2011.  It is my hope that the city gets a better plan together to prevent the flooding of homes in the area.  Perhaps Councilwoman Diane Dixon can take responsibility on getting this accomplished, since this area is her district.

Here are some incredible photos and video from Cari Anne Senour:


And Doug Breit:

And Devin Pourian:

This photo from peninsula point resident Pam Jacobs:

And photos and video from a resident who requested anonymity


The sign says “SLOW DOWN”– as nobody from the city is there to instruct people on how to proceed, so this young lady has taken on the responsibility, herself.  Way to go!

Newport Beach residents can pick up 10 free sandbags at the City’s Corporation Yard.   The Corporation Yard is located at 592 Superior, but their hours are unclear on weekends.  Please bring photo ID and follow the signs for staff to load your vehicle. Call 949-644-3055 for more information.



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at