After a barrage of emails coming through yesterday and fundraisers topping more than $30,000, the OCC Board which suspended student Caleb O’Neil has had a change of heart.
“The board believes this is in the interest of fairness and equity for all”, says a statement released Thursday.
“It is time to move forward with increased empathy and understanding of the differences that have and will exist on a campus filled with individuals from an array of backgrounds who bring with them a wide range of political views, religious affiliations and ideals,” it said. “This is part of what makes OCC great.”
In the wee hours of this morning, Rob Schneiderman was still responding to emails in a harsh and rejecting tone, so it is interesting to see the student reinstated this afternoon after such public statements by Mr. Schneiderman.
Regardless, I am happy that this student is no longer being punished for the words of his teacher. In my mind, I think he is owed a profuse apology by many people at OCC, but for now, we are shifting our focus away from county happenings and back to Newport Beach.
Good job, everyone.