It’s rare that we have a July rain– in fact, so far this month, we have had more rain than the last 103 Julys, combined! This is much-needed water for our area, but it also presents a problem: urban runoff and sewage overflow.
As the chemicals wash off into the ocean and the storm drains flood, a familiar and unwelcome stench came over the ocean last night. This is the result of the first-wash urban runoff usually reserved for the wintertime (when we get our regularly scheduled first-rains). The water bacteria levels in EVERY MEASURED AREA have exceeded state health standards, and could cause illness.
Experts at the monitoring released the official statement:
“The elevated levels of bacteria can continue for a period of at least 3 days depending upon the intensity of the rain and the volume of the runoff. Swimmers should avoid coastal waters impacted by discharging storm drains, creeks and rivers, and beach users should avoid contact with any runoff on the beach during dry or wet weather conditions.”
So, if you’re wondering what that strange smell was last night, or if you’re tempted to hit the beaches today… you now have what you need to make an informed decision on how much you’d like to deal with the ocean waters 🙂