Family by the Fire Rings, photo credit unknown
Family by the Fire Rings, photo credit unknown

Fire Rings Survey Shows Overwhelming Support

The results of a new fire ring survey were released late last week, showing precisely how disconnected Rush Hill and Keith Curry’s current council is from representing their constituents.  The numbers– shockingly– become even  more overwhelming since the last survey (the last survey had the “leave the fire rings alone” numbers at 86%, and this one they are 92%)
Here are the major takeaways:

  • 92.4% of survey participants believe the city of Newport Beach should leave the fire rings alone.
  • 83.2% do NOT believe that charcoal provides the same experience as wood.
  • 87% of participants believe the city’s hiring 8 part-time staff to hand-out literature and free charcoal at the beaches is not a wise use of taxpayer dollars
  • 90.1% believe that the city giving away free charcoal to all visitors to the beaches is not a wise use of taxpayer dollars
  • 83.6% said they would be LESS LIKELY to vote for a city council candidate who opposes the fire rings
  • 87.5% of participants would support a Newport Beach ballot measure that would require over 50% majority approval of residents before the city could seek a permit for removal of the fire rings.
  • 87.3% responded that they would be LESS likely to use the Newport Beach fire rings should the city continue to require only charcoal

If you are interested in more information, you can find the full survey results, here.



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at