Photo of Brian Peotter and State Assemblyman Don Wagner
Photo of Brian Peotter and State Assemblyman Don Wagner

Costa Mesa Endorsement: Brian Peotter

As many of you know, we here at SaveNewport have very strong fiscally conservative mindsets. Here is a candidate who wants the job so he can eliminate his own position. After many talks with Brian Peotter, I can attest that he is “the real deal”.

As he mentions in his statement, he wants to obtain the position in order to eliminate the position.  Brian is running for Costa Mesa Sanitary District’s Governing Board.  Over the last several months, Brian and I have had many conversations about politics.  His father is running for office right here in Newport Beach, so he understands what he’s up against.  His ballot statement just may be one of the best we’ve ever seen, saying in-part:

My primary reason to seek this position is to shut down the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. As Program Manager of Research and Development I solve problems every day. I want to use these skills to solve the problem of a redundant agency and work myself out of a job.

The Costa Mesa Sanitary District was created before Costa Mesa was incorporated. This is why we have this special district when most other cities do not. I believe after seventy years it is time to put this dinosaur of a bureaucracy out to pasture, and stop wasting money.

So, if you live in Costa Mesa or have friends that do, tell them to give this man their vote. He’s clearly running for the right reasons: To selflessly improve his community.

PS: The irony of the Sanitation District being a symbol of government waste is not lost on us. 🙂



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at