Blackball is Back!

Today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. will be our first Blackball of the season at the Wedge, shutting down access to hardboarders so that body surfers can have their fun with the storied wave.

Body surfers will tell you that the need for this is obvious: Surfboards are dangerous and have caused real injuries with their fins slicing open body surfers.

Board surfers will tell you that this is a power-play to monopolize one of the best waves in Newport by creating two types of citizens (people with boards vs people without boards), and then banning one of them, giving exclusive use of the Wedge and the area between 40th and 44th to body surfers– those without boards.

Board surfers also point out that Newport has designated times and locations for body surfers where board surfers must leave– but no guaranteed area for board surfers.  In fact, Newport Beach is the only coastal city in California which does not have a designated surf area.

The subject has been brought up numerous times in the last few years– but with no significant changes, likely because it is such a hotly contended subject.

So if you’re a body surfer– congratulations on your season of board-free fun!   🙂

If you’re a boarder… sorry brah. 🙁



About Mike Glenn

Mike is the founder and publisher of Save Newport and Chair of Government Relations for the Elks Lodge. He writes, shoots photos, and edits, but much of the time, he's just "the IT guy". He can be reached at: Google+, Facebook, or via email, at