Democrat presidential vote

We live in California.  We are going blue no matter what.  Our votes won’t make a difference in this state.  But they will make a difference for the Libertarian party.

Do you want Republicans to stop bashing gays, stop going to war with innocent countries who never attacked us?  Stop leveraging crony trade deals?

If we get the Jorgensen ticket to 5% nationally, the Libertarians will force Republicans to change– for the better.

If Biden is going to win California no matter what, then what’s the harm in seeing if we can use our vote to promote a third party, and hopefully use that third party to tone down the rabidness of Republicans?

If you vote for the woman, Jo Jorgensen, you can help tame the future Republican party.  We are positioned to get right at 5% nationally.  But literally a change in weather could make it 4.999999%, which doesn’t meet the 5% threshold required for gvt funds and virtually mandatory debate participation, accordingly.  We have to hit 5% nationally before that can happen.  And we are so close.

Because Biden is safe in California, could I ask you to vote Libertarian, so that even if our vote didn’t tip the tide in the presidential race for CA– we just may tip the vote at 5% nationally for the party, which will literally change the way politics is run.  That will be an awesome thing to be a part of.  Since a vote for Biden or a vote for Trump would basically be useless in deep-blue California, would you be willing to join me where your vote REALLY matters– by voting #Jorgensen?v