These emails show the complete lack of understanding of the free market. Medical Marijuana suppliers were already here in Newport serving people with medical conditions ranging from paralysis to pain to eating problems. They are here because a certified and licensed medical doctor recommended that a patient use marijuana to treat their illness. These people who are being treated found the treatment and/or cure which works best for them, and they are not going to stop doing what their doctor recommends simply because a few out-of-touch councilpeople decided that they knew better than doctors. This means that even if the legitimate legal dispensers of medical marijuana leave our city, there will be a void created, and that void will be filled by the free market. However, due to the laws on the federal level, the councils decision on this matter means that the people who are filling this void will automatically be sentenced using the nations most harsh drug laws-- worse than heroin or cocaine. Previously, medical marijuana distributers would only sell to those people who had legitimate medical marijuana recommendations by doctors. This protected them and kept them within the confines of the law. However, if vendors are now going to be operating outside of the law in Newport Beach, do you really think they're going to care whether or not someone has a doctors recommendation? And if they're already risking their own freedom by selling what the federal government deems 'the worst category of drug', then what will prevent them from selling cocaine? Or heroin? Both of those have less severe penalties. And what would prevent them from selling to children? Judging by the outcome of this councils vote-- despite my repeated warnings to them otherwise-- we now know the answer. Heroin use in our Newport schools has skyrocketed, and our council refuses to accept responsibility for it. Here are just two of the many emails I sent to council on this very subject. Mike Glenn Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 5:34 PM To: "" Subject: A reminder about December the 5th In just a dozen days from now, it will be December the 5th. On this day in 1933 was the end of Prohibition-- 82 years ago. Apparently, it caused far more harm than it did good. If you remember pot dealers in California prior to 1997 when it became CA-legal, you likely remember a lot of the negative things that illegal drug dealing brings with it-- until we legalized it. Making medical distribution of medicinal marijuana a criminal offense will push out the legal and peaceful providers, and allow more unscrupulous characters to enter the market (with harder drugs-- and selling to anyone, not just those with a doctors permit). But if you don't care about Newport's children being exposed to people who are offering them illegal drugs or selling them pot without a doctors recommendation, then I suppose none of my arguments matter at all, and outlawing the lawful providers is simply what you want to do-- for some unknown reason (because the reasons cited are frankly laughable) But don't you dare claim that you are surprised or bewildered in two years when our hard-drug use rates for children are even higher than they are today, or that you are shocked when violent crime goes up as a response to higher prices and harder drugs hitting Newport. This ball is firmly in your court. Mike ----------------------- -------- Original message -------- From: Mike Glenn Date: 11/6/2015 1:18 PM (GMT-08:00) To: "" Subject: You're about to ban dihydrogen monoxide I urge you to re-read the text in the pot ban. The definition of "marijuana" contained it in is not only a circular reference, but it hilariously bans... water-- a key chemical compound in the marijuana plant. I also urge you to consider the first lawsuit that happens when a patient is denied by the City of Newport Beach from receiving the products that a doctor recommends for her. Judges have been favorable to dispensaries and patients at nearly every turn-- and often give scathing public comments about those agencies who go attempt to deny patients to receive what their doctor recommends for them. The move for legalizing marijuana is doing nothing but rapidly accelerating, and has been for 20 years. Because of this very obvious fact, I think we can all agree that-- if this passes-- it is only a matter of time before it is repealed and people mock the thought process of those who passed it previously. You may assume that I smoke pot or otherwise have some dog in this fight. Like many (most?) other things I fight for: I don't. This is simply continuing the "Reefer Madness" big government theme, and your names will be forever tied to it. How those names are viewed in subsequent years is up to you. Mike ----------------------------------